Recipe • Katsu Don (Japanese style pork cutlet rice bowl)

Do you like Katsu Don?
A slice of thick pork cutlet, sweet onion slices and flavorful runny egg topped on a big bowl of rice... Comfort food for Lil K! This is his standard order at Japanese eateries and even at food courts!
Today's recipe is tried and tested. Lil K liked it so much, he asked for this rice dish 2 days in a row!

(╹◡╹)♡ If you tried any recipes on my humble blog and would like to share on your blog or any other social media platforms, please copy and include the URL so it'll link back to me.

Kindly do not claim recipe as your own. Thank you!


(1 serving)

1 slice of Pork Katsu
(Recipe here)
1/4 Yellow Onion, sliced
1 egg, beaten
1 big bowl of cooked rice
Chopped spring onion/coriander (Optional)
60ml Dashi stock (Note 1)
1 TBS Light Soya sauce
1 TBS Mirin
1/2 tsp Sugar

•Combine the seasonings in a bowl.
•Reheat pork katsu in the oven, if necessary.
•Heat a pan, add some cooking oil and briefly fry onion slices.
•Pour the seasoning into the pan, let it boil a few minutes until onion slices are soften.
•Slice pork katsu and place into the pan, simmer for about a minute.
•Pour beaten egg into pan, around the pork katsu, switch to medium heat. Cook the egg to preference, about 2 minutes.
•Carefully pour egg mixture, together with pork katsu, over a bowl of rice.
Garnish with spring onions/coriander.
Enjoy! (。’▽’。)♡

(1) This is the dashi stock I use,
please adjust the light soya sauce amount according to the saltiness of your preferred dashi.


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